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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  January 29, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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county executive accused of misconduct. good afternoon, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm barbara harrison in for pat lawson muse. let's head straight to keith russell. he is at the live december week more on this breaking story. >> this news just came in. the judge just delivered his verdict. he found leopold guilty of one count of using his police security detail for political and campaign activities. leopold was accused of asking his police security detail to stay on lookout while he had sex in a local public parking garage. collect campaign funds and put up signs. the judge ruled that using the officers as lookoutnot constitute criminal conduct in office. news4's chris gordon is in the courtroom and will have more information on this just in. the john leopold conviction. we will have much more, clawing live report on news4. that's the latest for now at the live desk. to a pretty spiinspiring si.
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>> doctors managed an historic feat. a double arm transplant on a wounded soldier. the key in this surgery may have been his attitude. erika edwards has his story now. >> you owe me 20 bucks. >> reporter: poking fun at his brother, cracking up a room full of doctors and media at a press conference in baltimore. brendan marroco does not seem like a guy that has been through so much pain. brendan was serving as an infantry man in iraq in 2009 when he was severely injured in a roadside blast. he lost both of his arms and both of his legs. legs, he says, he could live without. but his arms, he hated losing them. >> even your personality, you know, you talk with your hands. you -- do everything with your hands basically. and when you don't have that, you are lost for a while. >> reporter: six weeks ago a huge team of surgeons, the johns
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hopkins hospital perform ad complicated, successful double-arm transplant on brendan. to cut down on the immediate for anti-rejection drugs which carry potential for infections and organ damage, the johns hopkins team gave brendan an infusion of the deceased bone or's bone m marrow cells. >> he will take one anti-medication instead of the usual triple. >> reporter: full range of movement will take years. nerves grow at a maximum speed of one inch per month. >> i suspect that he will be using his hands for just about everything as soon as we let hem. >> reporter: brendan is itching to do more. already finding creative ways to comb his hair. he has advice for others overcoming hardships. >> there's a lot of people that will say you can't do something. just be stubborn and do it anyway and work your [ bleep ]. >> reporter: brendan has a tremendous amount of work ahead of him. six hours a day of intensive hand therapy.
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he's already proven that he's up to the challenge. ircan a edwards, nbc news. >> all of the surgeons and nurses volunteered their services. johns hopkins hospital and the department of defense covered the cost of that operation. we are learn morgue about the man suspected in the murder of a young woman in northwest washington. 18-year-old shoban lee was shot early friday morning near the corner of 5th and nicholson streets. will was warrant out for the suspect in connection with another case. alexander buckley was wanted for felony burglary and says he met lee on the social media website called tagged. he denies shooting her. tagged allows aye phone and android users to meet, chat and flirt over the internet. coming up on "news4 at 5:00," jackie bensen will have more on how this website is becoming increasingly popular. plus a look at the dangers of it can pose. out of date and badly broken and everyone knows it. here's how president obama just described the nation's
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immigration system before laying out his vision for how to fix it. leanne gregg is live in las vegas where the president just wrapped up his remarks. >> reporter: president obama called important quick passage of immigration reform. he was optimistic saying important first time in many years republicans and democrats seem ready to tackle this problem together. he said if congress doesn't act in a i'mly manner he will push for his own legislation. his plan outlined today provides a path to citizenship. undocumented immigrants would have to register with the practical government, pay pines and taxes, and undergo background checks. but first, increased border security would have to be proven before any reforms take effect. >> thank you. the reason i came here today is because of a challenge where the differences are dwindling. where broad consensus is emerging. and where a call for action can now be heard coming from all
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across america. i'm here today because the time has come for common sense, comprehensive immigration reform. >> reporter: his plan is just a framework and passage of any legislation is not a given. however, this is seen as an important step on the heels of t the bipartisan senate plan. senator john kerry is expected to be confirmed as the next secretary of state within the hour. he sailed through the first phase of confirmation this morning. senate foreign relations committee unanimously approved kerry by voice vote. kerry has been a member of the committee for 28 years and chaired it for the past four years. the full senate will now debate the nomination and will hold a vote in next few minutes. kerry could resign from the senate and sworn in as secretary as soon as friday. that's hillary clinton's last day on the job.
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president obama will be looking for a new transportation secretary. ray lahoud announced he would not stay for another term. he was the second republican president obama appointed to his cabinet. former defense secretary robert gates was the first. he will continue until his successor is named. it is hard to believes the january out there. this is a live look outside where the temperatures reached 70 degrees today. >> we got a break from all that frigid stuff last week. but we are watching storms that could be moving in. meteorologist veronica johnson is outside on the storm team 4 weather deck soaking it all in. veronica? >> that's right. one amazingly nice, yummy day out here, guys. i guess i should thank the producers today for sending me out. you know, it was just inside of 36 hours where we had icy conditions around here. of course, school delays. winter at the beginning of the week. today spring. pet people sporting their short
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sleeves and coats thrown in the back seats or left at home. the temperature today up to 69 degrees unofficially. when the official record comes out for washington d.c., we will have hit 70 degrees. it could very well be the warmest day that we have had around here. warmest january day since january 8, 2008. as you take a look at the forecast mice conditions for us. as we head down into the low 60s. 11:00 p.m., 58 degrees. this nice spring weather will also come with some storms tomorrow. there is a potent weather system driving through the nation's midsection tomorrow late after the sunset between 8:00 and 11:00, we could be looking at heavy rain and damaging winds coming through the area. that's what we have to talk more about coming up. of course, the return of winter which hits us before the end of the week. back to you. >> we have more breaking news right now. a verdict in the rile of a former culpeper police officer
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accused of murder. daniel harmon-wright accused of shooting patricia cook last february in cold blood. we will let you know what that verdict is as soon as it comes in to us. this afternoon, a new deal that could save an iconic american snack food. the twinkie gets another life. also ahead, a question of dollars and cents. the virginia law maker who says the commonwealth needs its own currency. and they call this a p
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big engagement news.
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we will tell you which local ball player put
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jamie-lynn sigler. reports of the death of the hostess twinkie is premature. they are close to announcing they pick wood investment firms it is a lead bidders important the line of twinkies and other snack cakes. the associated press reports the bid will set the stage for an auction that allows competitors to make better offers than theirs. a judge would have to approve my final sale in november. hostess declared it was going out of business and selling off its brands. separate bid verse already been chosen for draks cakes cakes. jamie-lynn sigler is engaged to dykstra. a minor league infielder for the washington nats. you probably recognize her from "the sopranos." she stars on "guy was kids." according to "people" magazine, they have been together now for about a year. the newest ipad has arrived. the changes apple is making to
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its latest model. veronica is back with the de
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i'm keith russell. this just in. we are just learning the first payments have gone out to people who were exposed to toxic dust at the world trade center on 9/11. congress set up a special fund after first responders reported getting sick. today the first awards went out to a small group of about 15 people. hair payouts range from $10,000 to $1.5 million. here is what else we know. this afternoon, at super bowl media day, ravens linebacker ray lewis talked about what they might be -- controversy and in the final career game win or lose. "sports illustrated" says lewis is trying to be attain a spray made from the extract of deer antlers to help speed his recovery from a torn triceps. spray contains an ingredients on the nfl's list of banned substances. during his media session, he was only asked about it wise. lewis says the same report came out two years ago. says it was non-story now and a non-story now. our own dan hellie will have the latest develop many prosecutors super bowl media day in new
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orleans. do not miss the live report at "news4 at 5:00." speaking bets are officially coming in now for this year's super bowl. we are not actually talking about the game itself. and puppies becoming a real-life pin wheem. you got to see this one, folks. >> kane is here with what's buzzing today. >> good to see you. >> we are five days away from the super bowl. lot of folks are getting their bets on. >> right. >> some on the game and some on hair people. other things you can bet on. >> right. this astound me. you can bet on almost everything. alicia keys will be singing the national anthem. there is an over-under whether she can do it in two minutes and five seconds. you can bet on it. there's a range of things that you can actually make bets on. obviously the coaches are brothers. will they be dressing alike? that's one of the big questions on -- that you can bet on. you name it. if they are wearing hats, what color gatorade will be dump order the winning team.
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you can choose between the colors specifically or water altogether. who will the mvp thank first. you name it, you can make extra cash if you are into that kind of thing. we have the full list online. you can place your bets accordingly. >> a lot of colors to gatorade. >> there are. >> seven, eight colors. i don't think there's pink but lime green is one of the options. >> original next up, found a video that's got the web buzzing for its cute factor. >> nature at its finest. are you ready to see one of the rarest things ever? the scotty puppy pinwheel. >> that's so cute. >> here is my question. if you do that south of the equator do they spin the other direction? do they spin the other direction? those are scotty puppies and the most various ral video on youtube today. they are drinking goat's milk.
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the cutest things. >> so cute. >> the tags are waving in the right direction. >> i don't know how. that's impressive. mate is awesome. >> chance for hot tickets. >> yes. tomorrow they are calling it the packageure. this is the big reunion with new kids on the block. 98 degrees. they are coming to verizon. tickets go on sale saturday. we have third-row tickets tomorrow morning at 8:00. >> wow. we will eat our breck past in a big giant circle. >> in sync. >> yes. not 98 degrees but we got up there today. >> upper 60s today. big question is how many different types of weather can we have in one week. we had ice, sleet and snow monday. sun and warmth today. how about warmth and maybe even severe storms tomorrow? gusty conditions for thursday. maybe even flurries, possibility on provide. that is a lot in one week. let's head over to the weather wall and talk temperatures where it is 66 degrees right now. your win out of the south at 8
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miles per hour. we have a few high clouds that have been drifting through. look at the numbers we put them on from north to south, highest temperatures were down to the south today. 72 degrees in manassas right now. 74 degrees in the south side of fauquier county. tomorrow really think that even though we got right up to 70 degrees today, think tomorrow we probably could hit 74, 75 degrees. we are only a couple degrees away from a record today. wanted to show you the eastern temperatures. very quickly. because today, again, upper 60s to 70s here in the southeast. look at what is coming. 30-degree temperatures. omaha, wichita, right now, at 41 degrees. that's the cold air rushing in behind that powerful cold front that will be making its way into our area and through the area by late tomorrow. that's how fast that sis emis moving. cold air coming behind it. take a look at the radar now. storm team 4 radar nothing showing up here. but you can see that line of storms producing a lot of severe weather. areas of chicago, rye down
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towards dallas. there is month way toes cape the front. we are bogey to get something out of it when it moves through here late tomorrow. i hi at the very least moderate to heavy rain as well as high winds. let's talk about your evening clear skies still cold. it is not going to be cold. it will be mild this evening. very mailed important your evening tomorrow morning, too. starting out very mild with temperatures tomorrow morning in the 40s to around 50 degrees throughout the area. it is warmth for us tomorrow. we can have a paw showers coming early. here is the line of storms. by 8:00 p.m. coming into the area, by the time we get to midnight, it is east of us. heading trudel del and winds will start to pick up and could easily get wind gusts out of this storm tomorrow, upwards of 45, even 55 miles per hour at times. let's talk about it. strong winds expected between 8 and 11:00 p.m. moderate and heavy rain. saturated as the ground is, we
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could even see some isolated flooding around the area. windy conditions for your thursday. we are back down to 45 with falling temperatures throughout the day. the high on friday, 38 degrees. the high on saturday right now into the 30s. the cold air will be come back. winter returns by the time we get to the end of the week. let's go ahead and talk about friday, too. falling temperatures and wind chills friday that will be between 25 and 30 degrees. possibility of flurries. from spring today and spring tomorrow, you bet some spring to flurries and winter returns provide. don't put that car too far away. >> not yet. just a tease. >> thanks. eye on safety. we will tell which you place in morning virginia is equipping school buses with cameras to watch other drivers. >> would you like a lung transplant from someone that smoked a pack a day? a controversi
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire
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♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. the apple ipad is getting an upgrade. apple announced the release of an updated version of the popular tablet. the biggest change will feature 128 gigabytes of storage. twice what the top end ipad has now. all that extra memory will come with a price. it will cost $799 for a wi-fi-only model. more than $900 for a cellular
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version. apple is targeting the ipad 4 towards professional users. extra storage space is also expected to be a big hit with gamers. new ipad will be available starting february 5. less an week after it launched twitter is apologizing for an x-rated problem on the new vine app vine allows users to use a six-looping video clip. yesterday an adult video became one of the editor's picks. twitter blamed human error important the clip get into that distinction. the site does not ban pornographic material but usekers flag inappropriate videos and that will typically attach warning message to the clip. putting his life on the line. literally. incredible new feat from daredevil nick. the kennedy center may be getting a new app. >> putting word into action.
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ordinary people.
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welcome back. 4:30.
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an update to the top story on "news4 at 4:00." i'm jim handly. >> i'm barbara harrison in important pat lawson muse. more on the conviction of john leopold. let's head straight to keith russell at the live desk. >> reporter: the judge has delivered the rest of the verdict in the trial of anne arundel county executive john leopold. the judge found him guilty of abuse and outrageous criminal conduct for requiring a female aide and a police officer to empty his kathlcatheter bag. both of the counts are misdemeanors. he was acquitted on two other counts. the court is in a short recess. the judge will return in a few minutes to discuss any possible punishment. chris gordon is inside the courtroom and will have the latest once court is adjourned. keith russell, news4. breaking news now on the trial of an ex-police culpeper, virginia, police officer, charged with murder. the jury just reached a verdict in the case of daniel
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harmon-wright. convicted him of voluntary manslaughter for shoot pga trisha cook to death in her jeep last february. when she was reportedly trespassing at a private school. cook was unarmed. the jury also found harmon-wright guilt i don't two other counts of shooting into an occupied vehicle and shooting into an occupied vehicle causing death. harmon-wright testified he shot cook in self-defense. he faces one to ten years in prison for the manslaughter count alone. warm today but big changes on the way. veronica is in the storm center with the latest. >> that's for sure. little bit more spring for today. lot of folks strong adjust their wardrobe. don't forget to adjust your thermostat if you want to stay comfortable and have everybody inside comfortable. still have some sunshine out there. high clouds have been moving in today. still fairly nice. it is going to be a very nice evening, too, when you take a look at our temperatures throughout the area 66 degrees right now through montgomery county and gaithersburg, rockville, 66 to 69. over to fairfax right now,
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reston, towards ft. belvoir now, 67, 68 degrees, you folks in camp springs. prince george's county around greenbelt, you are coming in now at 68 degrees. here is a look at the high temperatures for tomorrow. okay. today we hit 70. i think tomorrow we will see even higher temperatures. especially in this area here. just down to the south around wall door much and manassas and warrenton. around culpeper and around rappahannock, a high tomorrow about 7 about to 72 degrees. again, little bit of spring and hen back to winter by the time we get to the end of the week with a temperature, of course, 70, tomorrow higher and then way back down on friday. we will talk more about friday and the type of precipitation we could get friday and tomorrow with those storms coming up. back to the president's major move on immigration reform today. in a speech this afternoon in las vegas he laid out three main principles. one, focus on law enforcement.
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tighten border security and crack down on businesses that knowingly hire undocumented workers. two, give the estimated 11 million a path way to citizenship. three, update the current legal immigration system to better support students, entrepreneurs, those who also want to bring their families to the u.s. it comes a day after both democrat sxwrik republican senators laid out their framework for comprehensive immigration reform. the president's proposals are in line with what senators want but the president also promised action if immigration reform doesn't happen quickly enough. te jose, what differences if any, did you moat between the president's plan and the senate proposal? >> good afternoon. very little difference. i have to tell you, i think with the exception of what you mentioned, the president said that this is in the an
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open-ended discussion period. but rather that there should be some proposal in writing that both the senate and the house can put forward in the near future. other than that, you know, not only is there very little light between what the senate said yesterday and what the president said today, but oh, how times have changed after the 6th of november, this speech today could have been said by marco rubio yesterday. marco rubio has had an evolution, senator from florida, towards a proposal that would includesy sentship for the 11 million undocument. >> jose the president did say he wants relatively quick action. any idea what kind of timeline he's pushing important in talking about? >> that's a great question. the senate talked about by march or april having something in writing. don't be surprised p the house of representatives comes up with their own concept of ideas before march.
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that is something a lot of people haven't been focusing on and i hear is going on consistently in the house of representatives. >> big week on the i am abrasion issue. jose diaz-belart. >> more on what the president's speech will mean important millions of people and their familiar please our country. coming up on nightly news with brian williams at 7:00. right now drivers in falls church are on notice. obey school bus warning lights or pay the price. the city council voted last night to put video cameras on the outside of buses. those cameras will be mounted in a way to catch drivers who speed around the buses during the stops. the 6-0 vote calls for a fine of $250 if you are caught i moring the signals. >> people are oblivious. they don't pay attention on the surroundings. they are preoccupied with their day, their phones, their -- it is just jaw-drop. >> a good measure. i mean, parents and people
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driving around immediate to drive slowly p.m. i'm all important it. >> a police officer will review the rid wroe and tickets before they are sent out. you could find a quicker trip the next time you take the intercounty connector. a plan under consideration would increase the speed limit on the toll highway. news4's dars write spencer tells us how high it could go. >> if you are driving on the icc have you on keep your speed down 15. soon you may be able to put the pedal to the metal all the way up to 70 miles per hour. the house of delegates bill would raise the maximum speed on interstates and expressways in maryland from 65 to 70. right now the speed limit on the wide-open icc toll road is 55. some say that's too low. >> everybody picks a lane and it is 45, 50, 55 mile an hour. >> reporter: there's talk of lowering the icc tolls to
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address complaints that the charge is too high and the speed limit too low. lots of drivers are getting tickets i think that's a really good idea because i peel like you pay to use that road and there's always a lot of police officers out there. you always really have to watch your speed limit. it will help you get place as lot quicker. >> reporter: if p a competing bill may put the brakes on the proposal. without it boost the limit to 60 miles per hour and transportation officials say that's the speed the road was designed to safely handle. if you can't drive 55, consider driving to annapolis and testifying. there are two hearings scheduled on these bills february 5 and 7. driving along the icc in montgomery county, darcy spencer, news4. >> both hands on the wheel. pack a day has been and it no problem. find out why smokers' lungs are being used for transplants now. is this a safe thing to do? >> grabbed the wheel. as soon as i stopped i saw
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hitting cars. grabbed the wheel. >> we are now hearing from the pass
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we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here.
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most people that had to pick someone up at the airport experienced cell phone waiting lots where rooifrs wait for a cell phone call from their passenger at the term mal. these parking lots have become more than just a spot to wait. they have become places to find
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free wi-fi, restrooms and even food. airports have discovered such services make customers happy and turn a profit at the same time. there may be more of those to come. >> a gas station out there, convenience store. car clean flag silgts. all kinds of options you can offer out at cell phone lots. >> unfortunately so far no extra services are available at the cell phone lots at any of our three local airports. >> if you have a craving important something new, next week might be your ticket. restaurant week returns to the d.c. region on monday. you will be able to find three-course meals for more than 200 restaurants, d.c., maryland, virginia. lunch will cost you 20 bucks, 13 cents. dinner, $35.13. popular restaurants fill up past, we know. you will want to make a reservation. you can also find a link to all of the participating places on our website, nbcwashington.coming. can you really get in shape without having to work out?
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we will show you an unusual new device with big promises. >> another balmy, warm spring day for us tomorrow. and we could be dealing with some spring thunderstorms. in pack the possibility of
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we have breaking news. the senate confirmed the massachusetts senator john kerry
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as the next secretary of state. the vote was 94-34. once sworn in kerry will replace hillary rodham clinton who is stepping down after four years. live look at the kennedy center with big news today. performing arts venue is planning its first major expansion since it opened in 1971. the $100 million expansion would add new pavilions to house rehearsal halls and classrooms. there will also be a memorial garden and a floating stage right on the potomac. kennedy center plans to raise private funds to build this project. half the cost is being covered by kennedy center chairman david rubenstein. officials hope to open the new space in 2018. northern virginia lawmaker wants the state to look into creating its own currency. delegate bob marshall of prince william county intro douse ad bill to study the creation of a new currency. marshall says the commonwealth should be prepared in case the u.s. dollar collapses. this is the third time he made
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such a proposal. rather than paper bills marshall says the new currency would be made up of gold and silver coins. every year in u.s. alone, 2.5 million people leave here for the hereafter. death is a $17 billion business. as tyler mathisen found out, the business is trying to adapt as traditional burials become less common. >> reporter: scenes like this, repeated 7,000 times a day in the u.s. a ritual here's not just about life and loss but supply and demand. what's become known as the death karin industry. >> first off, personally offer you my condolences. >> reporter: troy runs a funeral home in aurora, colorado. give me a sense of what a typical funeral here with as canket, would cost. >> that cost, including a casket, would be anywhere between $8 thousand and $10,000. >> reporter: in the past ten years, independent funeral homes
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have seen a 27% drop in profits. he is trying to reverse the trend by offering plenty of extras. like a $250 bagpipe salute. a dove release for $200 pap final ride in an old style he s hears. if i want sky divers you will have sky divers. if i want a mar ra uchi band yo will have one. the business had to adapt as burial have gone overboard. a generation ago, mixing ashes with cement and dropping them into the gulf of mexico was almost unheard of. but that's changed. as cremation in its many forms is on the rise. with deaths expected to rise 30% in the u.s. by the year 2030, when the first baby boomers turn 85, the death karin industry is
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in for more business and big change. tyler mathisen, cnbc. >> you can learn more about this fascinating but necessary industry on thursday night. catch the premiere of a new cnbc documentary "death it's a living." airs thursday night at 9:00 on cnbc. veronica -- oh, boy. look at this. >> let me tell you about this. famed tightrope walker p. a successful high wire act. this time he tiptoed over a highway in sarasota, florida, today. he did it without using a safety net or harness. at one point he stopped and mealed down. yeah. he did. the crowd went wild when he did that. he wore a harness the first time last summer when he walked across niagara falls. you will remember that. that was only because the company that paid for that act insisted he wear that harness. after today's stunt he said there was more wind than he expected and the cables were moving a lot. likes.
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>> looks like he is wearing jeans. >> yes. it was windy. >> it was. >> and windy. that's the kind of day we will have tomorrow. this time tomorrow you will notice something bearing down on us. something eerie because you are bogey on notice higher humidity in the air. the winds will continue to pick up throughout the day. so some gusts by early afternoon, maybe up to 30 miles per hour. when that front comes through, that's when we will see the big change. we even have wind out there right now. i think our gusts for the evening up to 20, 25 miles per hour later. 66 degrees right now. again, we have shine. just the high clouds across the area. head over to the weather wall and talk about your hour by hour forecast, though, for the evening. we will have a few clouds around the area. we are bogey the see the mercury step down into the low 60s by 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 p.m. it will be very mild evening for us. because we have wind out there, we will have the position
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forming, as was the case last night, and this morning, no patchy fog. breezy conditions for your morning. here is the hour by hour for tomorrow morning. 6:00, starting out in the upper 40s to low 50s throughout the area. and even by the time we get to mid morning, 8:00 a.m., 55 your temperature. mild conditions. 9:00 a.m., 57. the temperatures before noontime will be way warm. you are looking at the highs for tomorrow. 72 degrees, manassas. 74 degrees here in d.c. we have this weather front here's making its way eastward and with the strong southerly winds we will have throughout the area tomorrow, just bogey to take that warmth and put it right over us. it is also going to be pulling some humidity out of the gulf of mexico. this entire area, we are looking at tomorrow with a possibility of some severe storms. i think our main threat tomorrow will be that of seeing damaging winds. some high winds could be
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anywhere from 50 to 60 miles per hour. and some heavy rain, too, over an inch. your main time period between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m., stepping into the west at 8:00. then exit being 11:00 p.m. to mid might for tomorrow. here is a look at the 7-day forecast. then by the time we get to thursday, 45 degrees and that's probably going to be early in the day with falling temperatures and windy conditions, your winter for sure returns on friday. and maybe even flurries around the area on friday. the weekend right now mainly dry but maybe some passing in your flurries on sunday. if you have been missing winter, lit return as spring vanishes after tomorrow. >> it may not sound like a good idea but lungs from a heavy smoker may be safe for transplants. 13% of double lung transplants here in the u.s. came from donors who were heavy long-time smokers. a new temple university study found patients who received those lungs lived as long and as well as patients who got lungs
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from the non-smokers. of course, there are still risks. according to researchers many patients on the transplant waiting list said lungs from smokers are better than none at all. there is a new workout shaking things up for people trying to lose weight. it is called go ga and promises all the benefits after power workout without any of the time or sweat. jennifer leslie takes us inside after club where people are trying it out. >> reporter: karen considers herself a skeptic but is sold on a new kind of workout. >> missed one day since i started coming and i feel amazing. >> reporter: he has become a regular at goga which stands for get on get active. the key is this whole body vibration machine. >> as the platform moves, it throws your body off balance just a little bit so your muscles contract and get 4,000 to 6 how thousand muscle contractions in ten seconds. >> reporter: designed to produce the same results as if you spent
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an hour at the gym with emphasis on toning and strengthen. >> biggest part for me, which totally thrilled me was, i lost an inch off my hips and waist and chest. and in a month. >> reporter: that's not all. clients told us goga gives them more energy and even helps them leap better at night. >> your circulation increases, your lymphatic system is stimulated. toxins release. it helps to improve bone density and very kind to the joints and no impact. >> reporter: the studios beginning to open across the country and the company cites decades of research shows whole body vibration works. it is catching on. >> there are approximately three dozen goga studios, many in the south. we checked and there aren't any goga locations in our area just yet. >> in your basement you actually have one. you like it. >> yes. you know, it is not goga, vibrating machine. yes, i like it. i think it feels great. >> does it work on the gut? that's what i immediate. >> i'm not even sure it works but it feels good. >> all right.
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>> kids who come to visit me love it. >> you know they do. >> they love it. >> watch out important that bus. just ahead hear the frightening moments aboard a bus that barrelled out of control on the streets of new york city. >> late breaking developments out of culpeper, virginia. police officers found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. new details from the courthouse. >> for the first time a family of a teenager killed at a bus stop speaks out. and they have a warning for other parents. all your news you can get.
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if you have high blood pressure and get a cold get coricidin hbp. the number one pharmacist recommended cold brand designed for people with high blood pressure. and the only one i use to relieve my cold symptoms without raising my blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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people could only stand and watch while a sinkhole swallowed up several buildings that's in china. cameras were rolling when a lee-story building fell a short time later another one collapsed. it happened yesterday. at least 300 people had to be evacuated and nearby roads were closed off as a precaution. despite the damage, no one was hurt and an investigation is under way to figure out what caused the hole. it happened mere the construction site of a new underground train station there. we are now hearing firsthand from a passenger who jumped into action on a runaway bus. last might a driver passed out over the wheel with his foot still on the gas. sending the bus barrelling
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downing down ing a new york city street. he saved the lives of a lot of people. >> reporter: a path of destruction and panic as a runaway bus zoomed up madison avenue before coming to a crashing halt at 85th street. smashed cars show where the express bus heading to riverdale ricocheted along crowded streets. leslie was onboard when she says the driver passed out and slumped over the steering wheel as the bus picked up speed. >> i hear the woman in front of me scream and see the bus driver is passed out, like out. then the bus is going faster. i guess his foot just, you know press order the gas. >> he was disoriented. >> reporter: guy rides this bus every day but tonight he became the driver and the hero when he ran from his fifth-row seat and took control. >> i grabbed the wheel. we were hitting cars. i jumped to the wheel and grabbed the wheel. >> reporter: what was going through your mind when you did that? >> i guess figuring out how to rye to stop the bus.
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>> reporter: have you ever driven a bus before? do you know how to do that? >> no. i mean -- like -- whatever. you know. rye whatever you can do. >> reporter: pure instinct? you jumped on it? you realize you probably saved a lot of lives tonight. how does that make you feel? >> i saved mine. >> reporter: paramedics treated more than a dozen people for injuries. none were life threatening but a couple of people, including the driver, 30-year veteran of the mta, were taken to the hospital in serious condition. after had you a moment to gather your thoughts, what are you peeling now? >> i thank god we weren't on a bridge or on the highway or anything like final destinationish. >> reporter: as for guy he plans to be back on the bus important the morning commute. first, he needs a lift. how are you getting home now? >> waiting for my wife to pick me up. >> all about 25 people were treated for injuries. the most serious were people who were in vehicles that were hit
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by that bus. tagged -- a website, made for teenagers. when a young woman from maryland logged on there were deadly consequences. for the first time the victim's family is speaking out onlying to news4. >> this is devastating to your parents, grandparents, you know. and your sisters and brothers because this is a bad thing. this is a bad thing. it should be rolled. it should not be something out there like had a so that you can make these young people victims. they are victims! >> first, we have breaking news now on the trial of that ex-police officer in culpeper charged with murder. a jury has just found former culpeper, virginia, officer daniel harmon-wright guilty of voluntary manslaughter. her monday-wright shot and killed an unarmed woman, patricia cook, last year, after reported trespass. >> he is also convicted on would other counts tonight. morning virginia bureau reporter david culver is live in culpeper with the latest on this


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